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Showing posts from September, 2018

The Mixing of Instruments and Orthopedic Implants

The mixing of  orthopedic implants  and instruments from various manufacturers leads to risks in hospitals. We can divide implants into two groups, according to their function: Temporary implants to support healing after injury or disease, such as implants for internal fixation Permanent implants to replace a living part of the body that has become dysfunctional due to injury or disease, such as joint replacements Implants should be able to support the body’s biochemical function as efficiently as did the living parts before injury or disease, or at least as efficiently as is currently possible. Many of the implants now in use and the special surgical techniques associated with them have evolved through lengthy periods of development. Since the instruments necessary for implantation form an integral part of the surgical techniques themselves, the techniques face the risk of failure if parts from various sources are used or if the instruments and implants do not match. T